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  1. FEBS, 10th International Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society, September 30-October 3, 2021, (Virtual). Presentation
  2. AFFI, 37th International Conference of the French Finance Association, Audencia, May 26-28, 2021, (Virtual). Presentation*
  3. Risk Forum, 14th Financial Risks International Forum, Institut Louis Bachelier, March 25-26, 2021, (Virtual). Presentation
  4. Finance seminar, CREST, November 26, 2020, (Virtual). Presentation*
  5. ERFIN, Econometric Research in Finance Workshop, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, September 18, 2020, (Virtual). Discussion & Presentation
  6. ESWC, World Congress of the Econometric Society, Bocconi University, August 17-21 2020, (Virtual). Presentation
  7. Workshop ANR MultiRisk, CREST, France, December 18, 2019. Presentation
  8. Journée d'Econométrie, 18th conference "Développements Récents de l'Econométrie Appliquée à la Finance", University of Nanterre, France, November 13, 2019. Presentation
  9. DGF, 26th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association, Essen, Germany, September 27-28, 2019. Discussion & Presentation
  10. ESEM, 72nd European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Manchester, United Kingdom, August 26-30, 2019. Presentation
  11. IAAE, 6th Annual Conference of the International Association for Applied Econometrics, Nicosia, Cyprus, June 25-28, 2019. Presentation
  12. AFFI, 36th International Conference of the French Finance Association, Québec City, Canada, June 17-19, 2019. Discussion & Presentation*
  13. SoFiE, 12th Annual Meeting of the Society for Financial Econometrics (Pre-conference for Young Scholars), Shanghai, China, June 11-14, 2019. Presentation
  14. INFINITI, Conference on International Finance, Glasgow, Scotland, June 9-11, 2019. Discussion & Presentation *
  15. QFFE, 2nd Quantitative Finance and Financial Econometrics International Conference, Marseille, France, June 5-7, 2019. Presentation
  16. FMND, 4th International Workshop on Financial Markets and Nonlinear Dynamics, Paris, France, May 31-June 1, 2019. Discussion & Presentation*
  17. FEBS, 9th International Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society, Prague, Czech, May 30-June 1, 2019. Presentation
  18. Workshop ANR MultiRisk, Florence, Italy, April 28-May 1, 2019. Presentation
  19. AMEF, 5th International conference on Applied Theory, Macro & Empirical Finance, Thessaloniki, Greece, April 22-23, 2019. Presentation
  20. MFS, 7th Spring conference of the Multinational Finance Society, Chania, Greece, April 19-21, 2019. Discussion & Presentation
  21. PhD Student Conference, 8th PhD Student Conference in International Macroeconomics & Financial Econometrics, University of Nanterre, France, March 29, 2019. Presentation
  22. WFE, Workshop in Financial Econometrics, University of Nantes, France, March 21-22, 2019. Presentation*
  23. Risk Forum, 12th Financial Risks International Forum, Institut Louis Bachelier, France, March 18-19, 2019. Presentation*
  24. CFE, 12th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics, University of Pisa, Italy, December 14-16, 2018. Presentation
  25. Journée d'Econométrie, 17th conference "Développements Récents de l'Econométrie Appliquée à la Finance", University of Nanterre, France, November 7, 2018. Discussion & Presentation
  26. Journée d'Econométrie, 16th conference "Développements Récents de l'Econométrie Appliquée à la Finance", University of Nanterre, France,  November 8, 2017. Discussion


* Presentations by co-authors
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